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Types of Keyboards

There are many different types of keyboards and they suit different needs. If you're just starting to play music and need a keyboard, you'll have different needs than someone who's been playing for ten years. If you're in a band, play everything yourself, are into blues or pop, or work in the recording studio producing music, that all comes into play as well. Keyboards are a bit of an all-around instrument within the world of keyboard instruments. They usually have many sounds and suit many styles. There's also often a rhythm section/groove box that can play styles - such as a drum track or an entire arrangement to play along with. So whether you're looking for a cheap keyboard or an expensive professional keyboard, take a look at the site. Here's an overview of some of the types you can choose from and some of the things to look for to get an instrument that matches your needs. In this article there is also a section on finding a keyboard for your child - the things described are of course equally applicable if you're an adult looking for a keyboard. The most popular brands are Yamaha and Roland but other brands on the webshop are all quite well played.

General features

There are some things to look for that apply to all keyboards - big, small, expensive and cheaper. Here are some of the things you need to consider:

Number of keys

The smallest keyboards have two octaves - that's 25 keys, while the largest have 88 keys - like a classic grand piano. Between the two extremes, the normal sizes are 73 keys (6 octaves), 61 keys (5 octaves) and 49 keys (4 octaves)


Action means how heavy the key is. For example, keyboards can have weighted, semi-weighted, synth-action and hammer-action. Weighted keys are similar to the keys on an acoustic grand piano or piano, while synth action are often plastic keys that are pressed down more lightly. There is no one type that can be said to be better than the others. It really depends on the type of music and the playing style of the musician. If you play classical music, weighted keys are often preferable - perhaps even with hammer action, where each key has a hammer, like on an acoustic piano - just to give a more realistic feel. Fast synth solos, on the other hand, are easiest to play with synth-action keys.

Velocity and touch

The keys detect how hard and fast you press.


The number of notes a digital keyboard can play at once is described as the polyphony of the keyboard. For example, 256 note polyphony means that the keyboard can play 256 notes at once.


Midi signals contain no sound - they have information about tone, volume, length etc. - if a keyboard can send midi data, it can send data to a software synth on the computer or a hardware synth without keys, for example.


Some keyboards can be connected to the computer via USB. This can be to send or receive MIDI data, save sounds or get power.

Control devices

All keyboards can be controlled in different ways. On a synthesizer, pitch bend and modulation wheels are essential, while they are rarely used on an 88-key piano with weighted keys. The sustain pedal, on the other hand, is a control that almost all digital keyboards have, but is less common on synths. You can often also connect various MIDI controllers that can control a lot of different things on the keyboard.

Keyboard Piano

For the beginner who hasn't picked a style yet, a keyboard piano is a great option that can do a little bit of everything. There are many sounds to choose from and usually a synth action or semi-weighted keys. Price ranges from cheaper beginner and children's instruments to much more expensive all-round keyboards such as Nord Stage.

Keyboard Workstations

A workstation keyboard can be thought of as a miniature composing, recording and production studio. Most workstations have a range of recording features, such as the ability to record audio, an internal hard disk, multitrack recording, built-in CD burners, etc. Workstations are the pinnacle of the professional keyboard world and will provide the experienced songwriter or producer with the tools needed to create, record, edit and finalize songs.

When choosing a workstation keyboard it's important to make sure it provides enough polyphony to handle the passages you want to play and record. When you multitrack sequence, the notes on a track are pulled from the total polyphony of the workstation. The more notes the device can handle, the more you will be able to make use of the recording and sequencing features.

The sound libraries in most workstations can compete with the best synthesizers. Manufacturers know that the instrument will be used for composing and recording, so they provide massive sound libraries. You'll typically find a huge variety of instruments, such as pianos, guitars, horns, strings, drums and more.

Computer connectivity is an important feature to have on a workstation keyboard, as it allows you to easily synchronize your workstation with computer recording software. Most workstation keyboards come with MIDI and/or USB connections, and some include an mLAN interface that handles MIDI and audio data transfers to and from other devices in your recording network via a FireWire cable. Workstations usually provide audio inputs so you can record instruments directly.

Trigger pads are a handy feature if you want quick access to tones or samples. In hip-hop and modern R&B producers, trigger pads are a must for beats.

Some workstations also include a sampler. Having a sampler means you can import any sound you can think of and put it to use in your music - a valuable feature if you like to experiment with sounds outside the range of standard instruments.

Workstations are powerful instruments designed primarily for musicians who are experienced in sequencing and recording. If you're buying your first keyboard, a workstation may be a bit of overkill. That's where our next category comes in.

Arranger keyboard

If a workstation can be seen as a studio, an arranger keyboard can be compared to a songwriting partner. Arranger keyboards are smaller and more portable, but with professional sound libraries and a range of composition tools to enhance the songwriting process. Sometimes called a band-in-a-box, an arranger gives you the sounds and sequencing tools needed to flesh out an idea and create a complete song. Arranger keyboards are also powerful instruments for live performance, and are often used by one-man bands.

While most arranger keyboards have great sound engines, the breadth of available sounds is typically not as wide as on a workstation keyboard. Arranger keyboards offer a nice selection of the main sounds you need to recreate the feel of a live band, such as drums, keyboard, organ, horns, etc.

Arranger keyboards also provide you with a range of styles (backing accompaniments) that allow you to tailor the instrument to your music genre. This means you can choose a chord progression, select the style you're looking for and you'll instantly get a jazz, rock, Latin or other genre with a full band on it. This is a great advantage for composers and live musicians alike.

Arranger keyboards can also be powerful learning tools that familiarize you with the sounds and patterns of different styles of music. Because they are more automated than workstations, an arranger keyboard can help you work backwards through a particular style to fully understand all of its elements. If workstations and arranger keyboards were cars, the first would have a manual gearbox while the second has an automatic.

How many keys do I need?

This basically depends on two factors. Firstly, what is your playing style? If you primarily play lead, bass and drum lines, you might be able to get by with a 25-key keyboard without any problems. If you're a pianist and play with 2 hands, a larger keyboard would be preferable.

Getting started playing keyboard

Many people who want to learn to play keyboard are put off by the idea of spending long, boring hours learning musical notes. If you're serious about learning to play keyboard, the first thing you need to do is put away the negative thoughts and start with an open mind. It takes time and yes, you need to learn the notes, but it doesn't have to be boring - and it certainly shouldn't take forever to learn to play things that sound good. Follow these seven steps carefully and you'll be playing your first songs in no time.

Musical notes may seem strange now, but so did the letters of the alphabet when you first discovered them as a child. Your curiosity and constant use of the written and spoken language around you has shaped your ability to read and not be afraid of written words when you see them. The same will happen for music notes. They are the ABCs of music and with practice, you'll learn to see them just as you are able to read this information now.

Choose the right keyboard for the beginner

When you start playing keyboard, you need a good instrument. Think about it. If you wanted your child to play soccer, would you send your child out on the field in a pair of cheap flip-flops, or would you make sure your child had a good pair of shoes? On the other hand, your child doesn't need professional quality - maybe not on the first day.

As a parent, you want to make sure your child has a great experience while learning to play, but you're probably not ready to go out and buy a grand piano. That's perfectly fine. To help you decide what will be best for your child and your budget, let's look at the options.

A keyboard in the home

Having access to a piano or keyboard is incredibly important when learning to play - otherwise, there's no opportunity to practice between lessons and your fingers never really learn to navigate the keys. It doesn't have to cost a fortune to get started. But of course, it's important that it's of reasonable quality - otherwise it can easily affect your motivation to play. Make sure that the keyboard you buy has a sustain pedal - it will quickly become a necessity in your lessons.

Of course, you can also learn to play without a teacher. Some keyboards come with online tutorials, for example, so you can get started and get a taste for it before you start with a piano teacher. However, it's a good idea to start lessons at some point. There are many little things that are hard to learn from a book or video. How the hands should sit, rhythm, tonality, etc. - a teacher can also help provide the necessary motivation and enthusiasm.

There are many good keyboards that are smaller, cheaper and easier to learn on than an acoustic piano. an acoustic piano. They have a lot of sounds and features and keys that don't weigh as much. You can't say one type is the best - it all depends on how your child is learning to play and what genre. If the focus is on classical pieces and classical piano, you may want to look at a digital piano with a sustain pedal that comes close to the feel of an acoustic instrument.

If, on the other hand, your child plays more with music or plays more poppy songs, you may want to look for a keyboard that has sounds that fit that genre and has a drum track that you can play keyboard over.

Which keyboard should I buy for my child?

First, here are a few frequently asked questions:

- What impact do different price ranges have on quality?

- How does it affect the sound?

- What things are important and best suited to your child's interest?

- How advanced should the technology be?

We have a very wide range of musical instruments that can seem daunting - but with the right advice and expertise, you'll know exactly what you're looking for.

Firstly, here are some quick points you might want to consider before looking further:

Consider your budget first. There are many models and it can be overwhelming if you don't know what price range you're looking at.

Consider the space you have - if you need a beginnerkeyboard to check interest, you may only need a few octaves as opposed to a full-length keyboard - which you may not need until much later in your child's learning.

Functionality - is it important that your child learns the basics of keyboard playing first and upgrades to a more complicated keyboard or other keyboard later to experiment with different sounds or would you prefer them to start exploring the wide world of different keyboard genres now?

Compatibility - many keyboards now have multiple outputs that you can use to plug your computer or tablet into to download sound banks, record your playing or be able to listen to backtracks and play for a long time without disturbing the whole household. Pay attention to which connectors you need for your hardware.

Headphones and/or speakers - many keyboards will have a headphone output so your child can play along to their favorite music without everyone being zoned in to hearing the same song 30 times a day.

Accessories - other things to consider that are essential for keyboard playing: A good keyboard stand - if the keyboard is small and lightweight, the stability of the stand isn't as much of an issue, but the bigger and heavier the keyboard, the better it is to have a solid and stable stand and a good bag

Headphones - there are several different designs of headphones - some cover the ear, some sit on the outside of the ear and then there are in-ears - it's important to find a pair that is comfortable to use for long periods of time so that it doesn't make practicing hard. You may already have a pair to test before you buy. You may also need an adapter to make the plug fit the keyboard - many keyboards have a normal jack plug as an input, but most headphones have a minijack output.

If you want to connect the keyboard to another source, such as speakers or a computer, you will need instrument cables - also known as jack cables. As discussed in the above, different keyboards have different outputs, which can range from USB to Midi to left and right or mono jack outputs, so make sure to get a few reservedele of whatever cables you need.

It might be appropriate to start with the following questions regarding your child's musical intentions:

Is your child interested in playing the keyboard as a hobby?

Does your child keyboard play in group music lessons at school and want to practice at home?

Are you looking for a basic keyboard for entry level?

If the answer to any of these is 'yes' then:


You don't need to buy a big or expensive keyboard, and you don't need something that looks or feels identical to a piano. You'll need at least 48 keys, but that's your only real requirement.

You'll probably want a keyboard that has a good range of instrument sounds and rhythms. Be aware that some of the cheapest keyboards have mini keys and these are not recommended for those with a serious interest in playing or for children older than elementary school age. Also, don't forget to get a sustain pedal - they're often used in lessons and are an important part of keyboard playing.

This is written for children who are just starting to play, but all the points are equally applicable to adults who are starting out keyboard playing. It's healthy to work with creative things and keyboard and keyboard provide endless opportunities to express yourself because there is such a huge arsenal of sounds to choose from. After this guide, you should have a better idea of the things that are important to consider when choosing a keyboard - from the number of keys to accessories, price range and all the other things that come into play.

keyboard dictionary - what do the different terms mean?

ACTION - refers to how heavy the keys are to press down. Hammer action, weighted action, semi-weighted action, synth action are some examples.

ARPEGGIO - Italian, arpeggiare means to play the harp. The notes in a chord are played in rapid succession. For a keyboard, this means that with the arpeggio function turned on, the keyboard will play the notes pressed in a given order - either upwards or downwards. Widely used in modern electronic music to create pulsating rhythms.

DAMPERS - Small, felt-covered pieces of wood that rest against the piano strings in the normal position. The dampers (both treble and bass) are "lifted" from the strings when a key is struck. When the key is released, the damper returns to the string, thus "dampening" or causing the string to stop vibrating.

AFTERTOUCH - the ability to press the key down an extra bit after the normal note is struck - and e.g. send midi data about modulation or something else from a midi keyboard or control the modulation part of a synth.

PITCHBEND - often a wheel to the left of the keys that bends the note up or down - often an octave, but this is usually adjustable.

MODULATION WHEEL - many keyboard have a modulation wheel next to the pitch bend wheel. It can control many things, such as a filter on a synth.

SUSTAIN PEDAL - the pedal under the keyboard that holds the notes being played.

KEYBOARD STAND - stand to hold the keyboard. A keyboard stand comes in a variety of designs to fit a digital piano and smaller keyboards such as midi keyboards and synthesizers.

POLYPHONY - indicates the number of notes an instrument can play at once. Some analog synthesizers have 2, 3, 4 or 12 note polyphony, while digital synthesizers have much higher polyphony - 256 notes for example. This is because analog machines produce notes in analog circuits and they can only create one note per circuit.

MONOPHONIC - seen in analog synthesizers. A monophonic synth can only play one note at a time. This makes it ideal for playing bass, lead or solo.

SCALE - a scale is a series of notes that fit together. For example. For example, the C major scale is all the white keys on the keyboard, starting on C.

JACK CABLE - the audio output on most keyboard is a jack cable. From here, the keyboard can be connected to a mixer, a speaker or a sound card if you need to record it.


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