Here you will find our large selection of active PA speakers in all price ranges.
What is an active speaker?
An active speaker differentiates itself from passive PA speakers by having a built-in power amplifier. (Bonus info: We have often seen "built-in amplifier" referred to as "baked-in amplifier". Although it makes some sense, the correct term is "built-in amplifier" :)
The main difference between active speakers and passive speakers is the presence or lack of an amplifier. When buying speakers, consider what you can sacrifice, money or convenience, when deciding between speaker types.
Active speakers
At we offer a wide range of active speakers for both private customers and professionals who need good sound in e.g. the recording studio or nightclub. We have both active and passive PA speakers, but before we get into the two types, we will first take a closer look at what PA means and where the PA concept comes from.
What is an active speaker?
PA stands for Public Address, which basically just means that you address the public (or an audience) with it. In the past, the term PA system was used to describe an old-fashioned megaphone, which could be used to provide information to large crowds of people at the same time.
A modern PA system can be used to play music when you add a mixer, and when we talk about a PA system today, we mean a collection of electronic audio equipment such as speakers, microphones, mixers, amplifiers and other equipment that amplifies the natural volume of music or a voice so that it can be heard by more people and over a greater distance.
Today, PA systems are used for a wide variety of large events where, for example, a singer or speaker needs to be heard by large crowds. Examples include stadiums, trains, airplanes, shopping malls and concerts. Smaller PA systems are also used in auditoriums, churches, bingo clubs and small bars.
In this article, we use the term PA speakers as a generic term for modern and professional speakers that can be used in a wide range of situations where the sound needs to reach many people at the same time.
Active and passive speakers for professionals
When buying a new speaker, you can choose between active and passive models.
Active PA speakers have a built-in amplifier from the factory. So if you buy an active model, you'll get an amplifier that perfectly matches the speaker. If you perform at many different gigs and often transport your equipment, mobile equipment is a great advantage. Here, active PA speakers are a solid and good solution, as they generally take up less space and weight, require fewer cables and are therefore easier to transport and quicker to set up.
However, most PA speakers are passive, meaning they don't have a built-in amplifier. You will therefore need to connect a separate amplifier if you choose a passive PA speaker. One advantage can be that you don't have to change all the speakers if you experience problems with your amplifier, which would be the case with the active model. With a passive PA speaker, you also have more room to experiment with combinations of different equipment.
Active PA speakers are generally more expensive than passive models, as the amplifier is included.
Which active speaker should I choose?
Above we described the differences between active and passive PA speakers, and as you can see, there are pluses and minuses to both types. You can't generally say that one type of PA speaker is preferable to the other. The choice depends entirely on what needs the speaker is intended to meet, how big it needs to be and what price range you want to stay within.
At you will find a large selection of both active and passive PA speakers. We also offer complete speaker sets for e.g. exhibition stands, bars, restaurants, offices and private homes that need to play well with a first-class sound experience.
If you need help with the purchase of your new PA speakers, please contact our customer service and we will help you find the solution that suits you best.
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Benefits of active speakers
The biggest advantage of active speakers is mobility. Compared to having to transport and connect both speakers and amplifier every time, it's incredibly easy to simply set up two active PA speakers, connect the power and signal, and then start the music/speech - plug and play.
Next, the amplifier of active speakers is optimized for the devices the speaker is equipped with, and typically has both an electronic crossover and equalizer built in to get the sound just right. Another advantage is that you don't have to adjust the sound, as it is done at the factory.
Active speakers are also often called powered speakers or powered speakers.
See also our active PA systems and headphones
>Understandability over quality
Characteristic of the electronics behind active speakers is that they often have a frequency range of around 300 Hz to 3000 Hz, because the sound should first and foremost be characterized by intelligibility rather than quality. A PA speaker can either be active, where the amplifier is built into the unit, or passive, where the amplifier is placed externally.
Amplifier is built into active speakers
Active PA speakers, also known as active speakers, have built-in amplifiers. Passive speakers do not have amplifiers and must be connected to an external amplifier, such as a digital amplifier
Active speakers require their own power source. Trying to find a power source for all equipment can cause a lot of hassle when you're out on gigs, so make sure you have a long extension cord with you. PA active speakers typically only have a one-meter power cord. Active speakers connect directly to the output signal of your mixer or sound source.
Considerations when buying an active speaker system
Something to consider when deciding on speaker types would be cost and ease of transportation. Passive speakers are typically cheaper than active speakers. They are also easier to lug around because they usually don't weigh as much as active speakers, but with the digital amplifier modules found in most active subwoofers and top boxes today, this is not a problem. In particular, you should know that setup and unpacking only takes a fraction of the time it takes to set up a passive system.